Sunday, July 01, 2007

Debugging ASP.NET in IIS 7.0

Yeah, i know the posts have been short and not-so-frequent for a while now, sorry about that. guess one reason would be that i can barely use my right arm at the moment (long & quite funny story). another reason is that there's a lot going on at the moment, but i'll get back into posting-mode in the near future. If you're developing on Vista and debugging your ASP.NET applications that run on IIS 7.0 you've either had this problem a lot, or you'll soon run into it. Without going into the details of it all i'll just say that once again it's Scott Guthrie to the rescue :) Read more: Scott Guthrie on Public Hotfix Patch Available for Debugging ASP.NET on IIS7 if you've had problems debugging on Vista / IIS 7.0, read that post. P.

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